Light Conversation — Our Showroom
Adjusted hours 0
We hope everyone is staying well, staying in, and following recommendations. We have, temporarily, adjusted our shop/store hours to Monday-Friday 10-3. We may be here at other times or by appointment.
We are shipping without delays (with sanitized hands and tools).
- King's Chandelier Company
- Tags: A Message from Us About Us Our Showroom
New - Clearance Items 0
We are cleaning house, so to speak! Check out items from our showroom that are on clearance.
- King's Chandelier Company
- Tags: Our Showroom
Chandeliers & Crystal Rainbows 0
Late afternoon in the chandelier showroom is so beautiful. The strong rays of the Sun concentrate to force their way through the crystals that are hanging around on the chandeliers. That light then bends on the way out through a different facet of the crystal and the result is a rainbow I can almost touch.
Who wouldn't love working in this? These photos were taken in our gorgeous "Strass" room where the Swarovski crystals, combined with sun beams, create the most intense refraction.
A magical sight for any day.
- King's Chandelier Company
- Tags: Our Favorite Things Our Showroom
Snowflakes 0
There are many ways that crystal compares to ice. We have several chandeliers named for the similarity - the Ice Palace, the Winterking, and the Winterfire, and these name conjure the reflective and brilliant nature of snow and ice.
They say each snowflake is different - but they all bear a resemblance to the unique view underneath a chandelier.
Check out these images of some of our chandeliers from directly below:
- King's Chandelier Company
- Tags: Our Favorite Things Our Showroom
Heat, lights, more heat! 0
What do you do when you have 4,000 square feet of lights and it is 100 degrees outside? Sweat! Time to switch all of the showroom bulbs to LEDs, I think. But, it sure is sparkly around here.
- Nancy Daniel
- Tags: Our Showroom
Where is the sun? 0
We’ve had a few cold weeks here in North Carolina… really cold without much sun. To top if off, last week and this week brought us SNOW. Normally, I love snow. Usually, snow here in the South means pretty white stuff that melts by lunch time. But, when it is 21 degrees with no sun, it doesn’t … Continue reading Where is the sun?
- Nancy Daniel
- Tags: Our Showroom