New Lighting Magazine



Looking for inspiration? Or, perhaps you need some technical advice?

If so, we have some great news for you: the annual Lighting magazine from the good folks at Better Homes and Gardens (in conjunction with the American Lighting Association) is on the stands!

But, even better news, you can stop by a member showroom (like ours) and pick one up for FREE! This beautiful publication is $6.99 on the news stands, but FREE from a participating ALA member showroom.

Come on by our store and pick up your free copy today. They are right at the front counter, so you can even just “poke your head in the door” and grab one. Or, call from the parking lot, and we will bring one to your car. Or, if even that is too much effort for you, follow this link for a digital copy – we won’t judge, we promise.

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  • Nancy Daniel
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