How to Measure Chandelier Arms


It is very distressing to find yourself in need of a chandelier arm.  Because they are all hand-blown, matches are difficult. A variation of less than half an inch is size can throw off the height enough to be extremely noticeable.  So, size matching is more important than anything.

So, how do you communicate the details of a chandelier arm?  Start with the measurement.  

An "s" arm, also called a lower arm, is measured straight across.  Most arms will come near to a whole-inch increment, and it will be referred to as such.  For example, the below "s" arm is a 16" arm.  

Although this would officially be called a 16" arm, it may not be exactly 16" across.  So, for matching purposes, one would need to know the exact width.

The height of an "s" arm is from the lowest part of the bend to the highest part of the bend as shown above.  Truly, in order to match a chandelier arm, it is best to compare, side by side, the old and the new.  A side by side comparison allows us to observe the difference in bends, patterns and thickness.

When measuring an upper arm, measure straight out. When referencing the height, mention whether the measurement includes the ferule (metal cap).

Again, the bends on these vary quite a bit (along with the pattern) so it is always best to make an actual comparison.

If you are looking to match an arm, click here.

Other factors that should be considered when looking for a chandelier match: thickness (diameter - usually measured in millimeters), pattern, finish color.

Let us know if we can help!

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  • King's Chandelier Company
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